
Wild west: new frontier forum français
Wild west: new frontier forum français

wild west: new frontier forum français

Trigger: All states owned by Mexico in Western North America region Becomes a Cultural Homeland for Norteño culture.All states owned by Mexico in the Western North America region.…adopt Norteño culture (European Heritage, Spanish Language).Mexico owns at least three states in the Western North America region (New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Alberta, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Columbia).Trigger: All states owned by USA in Western North America regionĮffect: Remove this journal entry. # Prevent frontier culture from diverging by encouraging transport links and urbanization. Becomes a Cultural Homeland for Western American culture.All states owned by USA in the Western North America region.…adopt Western American culture (European Heritage, English Language).All pops in the Western North America region….# Frontier culture diverges - Default Ending There has been at least one Gold Rush in the Western North America region.USA owns at least three states in the Western North America region (New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Alberta, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Columbia).These may be combined into a single "American Frontier+" mod or broken up into individual submods. Maximalist Submod(s): In addition to the above, adds divergence events for Cascadian, Californian, Deseret, Texan, Tejano, and Midwestern cultures, as well as a journal entry for deciding the fate of German-Americans.*I am open to suggestions for an alternate name, as I'm aware this has connotations in the modern day with organized crime.Minimalist "Base" Mod: Adds Western American (if owned by the US or Canada) and Norteño* (if owned by Mexico) cultures that can split off from their parent cultures in the region of Western North America.We need at least one more culture to cover the Western Frontier! I grew up and have lived most of my life in the Western United States, and I feel like the current North/South split between Yankee and Dixie doesn't quite model the culture or history of the region appropriately.

wild west: new frontier forum français

Howdy! Cultures of the American Frontier is a planned mod that seeks to model more settler cultures in the region of Western North America (New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Alberta, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Columbia).

Wild west: new frontier forum français