
Fallout shelter quest symbols
Fallout shelter quest symbols

fallout shelter quest symbols

Quests can be played after building the Overseer’s Office for 1000 Caps. It’s not as effective as farming lunch boxes with the time skip but you can combine both strategies for best results. At 60 hours exploration time (per visit to the wasteland) there’s a chance for an event called “National Guard Depot” which has the highest droprate for rare/legendary items. Simultaneously, send a fully maxed out Dweller to the Wasteland. You might also get Legendary Crafting Materials from them which can be used in a fully upgraded Weapon Workshop to craft Legendary Gear. They have the highest chance for Legendary Gear. To farm legendary weapons/outfits the best way is to skip 7 days at once. Start by building out a strong vault with 100+ Dwellers, get a few to Level 50 and max out all their SPECIAL stats in the training rooms. Send your best Dwellers on quests. In this game you can (and should) work on everything simultaneously. Step 1: Get 100+ Dwellers & Level them Up, Play Quests, Get Legendary Weapons/Outfits, Scrap All Weapons/Outfits you don’t need (Scrap 500 total) However, it is recommended to take a save game backup from time to time just to be safe in the event hat something gets corrupted. When you play online you also get a caps bonus for each day you skip and a lunch box after 7 days (can contain legendary items)! Therefore, doing it while online is the most efficient way. So no worries, your trophy timestamps won’t be affected by the exploit. Even if you play completely offline and put the date to 10 years in the future it will show the correct timestamps when you go back online and sync your trophies. The PS4 is smart enough to realize the actual time you have earned the trophies so it will never mess up your trophy timestamps. It cuts down the platinum time significantly. Instead of waiting for your people to arrive at quests or return from them, you can use the same exploit and they will instantly be at the target destination. Then send them on Quests and to explore the Wasteland. You can also put them in training rooms to max out all their stats. This way you can get your Dwellers to Level 50 in just a few minutes.

fallout shelter quest symbols

While you’re viewing your vault you can press the PS-Button and change the time in PS4 settings. You can stay in-game for this (works online and offline)! It updates game progress instantly when you change the time.

Fallout shelter quest symbols