
Free ship simulator rescue
Free ship simulator rescue

Deploy boats to rescue people in distress at sea! Rescuing: Steer the salvage cruisers HERMANN MARWEDE and HARRO KOEBKE across the stormy seas.So, choose your vessel and your location on the North or Baltic Sea, switch on your radio and get ready! Together with your crew, you’ll become acquainted with the hard day-to-day life of a sea rescuer and make the high seas a little bit safer. As a sea rescuer, you put your life on the line – to save the lives of others!Įxtinguish fires, salvage damaged ships, direct search and rescue operations, stay in constant radio contact with the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Center and save lives in 20 different missions. On the high seas: face the sheer force of the elements! And you’re steering them – the most powerful rescue vessels of the Maritime Search and Rescue Service in search of castaways.

free ship simulator rescue

Breakers beat on the bow deck, spray blows across the bridge.

free ship simulator rescue

You set sail as others return to dry land.

Free ship simulator rescue